1. DHL 榮獲航空快遞類最信賴品牌 (中華日報航運電子報)
2. 歐洲線止跌船公司五月份進行調高運價 (中華日報航運電子報)
3. 馬祖第二家離島免稅商設於機場五月開幕 (中華日報航運電子報)
4. 索馬利亞海盜 伸向印度水域 (台灣新生報航運版)
5. 丹麥支線航商 擬6月闢英線 (台灣新生報航運版)
6. 玉米酒糟、奶油關稅 續降 (台灣新生報航運版)
7. 台北資訊園區BOT 鴻海拿下 (台灣新生報航運版)
1. contribute v. 貢獻;捐助
We ask that each staff member contribute a few dollars
per month to the coffee fund.
2. durable adj. 持久的;耐用的
Leather office chairs are far more durable than plastic ones.
3. eligible adj. 有資格當選的;法律上合格的
With your five year's of service, you will be eligible
for three week's paid vacation this year.
4. expose v. 接觸到;曝光
The annual trade show will expose new sales
consultants to the industry.
5. facilitate v. 使容易;促進;幫助
In order to facilitate operations, we will be hiring more staff.