1. 萬海/太平/川崎汽船/SCI月底聯營印度航線 (中華日報航運電子報)
2. 星港首季櫃量近七百萬TEU刷新單月紀錄 (中華日報航運電子報)
3. 三大國際商港進行海港聯合行銷自由貿易港區 (中華日報航運電子報)
4. 正利航運兩岸航線MCT啟動 (中華日報航運電子報)
5. 以星亞歐新航線AME增靠大鏟灣碼頭 (中華日報航運電子報)
6. 中首季GDP飆漲11.9% (台灣新生報航運版)
7. 團結力量大 海港聯合行銷 (台灣新生報航運版)
8. 機、拖車進口完稅證 無紙化 (台灣新生報航運版)
1. accumulate v. 聚集;累積
Investigators have accumulated enough evidence to put that thief in jail for many years.
2. adhere to v. 支持;堅持;黏附
We will attempt to adhere to the designated agenda at all times during this board meeting.
3. adjacent to adj. 鄰接的;前後相接的
The fax machine is adjacent to the photocopier in the newsroom.
4. agenda n. 議程;待議諸事項
What is on the agenda for discussion at today's committee meeting?
5. aggressively adv. 侵略地;攻擊地
Sharon preferred to trade on the stock market aggressively, and often took big risks with her money.