0409 今日焦點


1. 外銷品退回免稅涉虛報案處理原則 六月生效 (台灣新生報航運版)

2. 共建兩岸世博航線 東航、華航簽合作協議 (台灣新生報航運版)

3. 中免免稅公司進軍基港 (台灣新生報航運版)

4. 全球航空貨運卓越獎 聯邦快遞IT獲評第一 (台灣新生報航運版)

5. 德翔/高麗海運泰國線直靠寧波港 (中華日報航運電子報)

6. 關局公告民國百年進出口報單年度欄位編碼 (中華日報航運電子報)

7. 陽明海運調整經營策略14艘新造船延後交船 (中華日報航運電子報)


1. bankroll n. 鈔票;資金 v.提供(資金)

The millionaire supplied the bankroll for the project.

2. characteristic n. 特性;特色

A five-year warranty is characteristic of most expensive wristwatches.

3. circulation n.(報刊等的)發行量;循環

This magazine has a circulation of ten thousand.

4. consequence n. 後果

As a consequence of his warranty expiring, Elliot had to pay a high bill

for repairs to his car.

5. consume v. 使全神貫注;消耗

He was consumed with his latest case and spent many hours working overtime.



