1. 韓進海運有望在下月轉虧為盈 (中華日報航運電子報)
2. 前四月兩岸海運直航57 萬TEU增三成 (中華日報航運電子報)
3. 日郵整合散裝船業務新和/新日鐵十月合併 (中華日報航運電子報)
4. 立院三讀通過兩岸條例互免海空營業及所得稅 (中華日報航運電子報)
5. 進口郵包物品完稅價3千元以內免稅 (中華日報航運電子報)
6. 美西兩大貨櫃港上月櫃量呈兩位數成長 (中華日報航運電子報)
1. manufacturer a.製造公司
This product is unconditionally guaranteed by the manufacturer.
2. obsolete a.過時的
After careful evaluation, the company withdrew obsolete products from the market.
3. sleek a.時尚的
The camera features a new sleek design.
4. streamline v.使有效率
The latest feature in Xpress software streamlines invoicing procedures.
5. vulnerable a.有弱點的
Older Internet security programs are vulnerable to hacking.
TOEIC 必考字彙,劉毅 主編/Laura E. Stewart 校閱 學習出版有限公司