1. 中遠之星 今首航高港 (台灣新生報航運版)
2. 加工出口區轉型 得與公營事業合作開發 (台灣新生報航運版)
3. 高雄關拜會進出口公會 推AEO認證 (台灣新生報航運版)
4. 台閩規劃快捷走廊 (台灣新生報航運版)
5. 麥司克深圳鹽田碼頭股權轉讓中遠 (中華日報航運電子報)
6. 大船裝小船半潛式駁船霍克輪臺中港進行裝載作業 (中華日報航運電子報)
7. 中船重工/太平船務成立合資公司提供融資服務 (中華日報航運電子報)
8. 廣州港拓展東南亞航線成為大陸-東協自貿區橋頭堡 (中華日報航運電子報)
1. tempt v. 吸引;打動;引起
Please don't try to tempt me with that flashy sports car!
2. trend n. 趨勢;傾向;時尚
Teenagers like to follow all of the new fashion trends that
they see on television and in magazines.
3. stage v. 上演;籌劃;舉行
This is our city's first time staging this event.
4. smooth adj.(事情)進行順利的;圓滑的
With your help and guidance, we were able to make a smooth
transition from family restaurant to elegant dining establishment.
5. ship v. 運送;寄送
Can you ship that order to our James Street location please?